Thursday, August 26, 2010

Where is the Epileptic Celebrity?

When you look at the plethora of pop-culture icons and stars, there seems to be a celebrity for most every disease or illness out there. Patrick Swayze in his very public battle with pancreatic cancer. Lance Armstrong with testicular cancer. Michael J. Fox (and Muhammad Ali) and Parkinsons. Magic Johnson and AIDS. Pamela Anderson and Hepatitis.

But who is the celebrity advocate for Epilepsy? I happened to google celebrities and their illnesses, and came across this interesting blog:
Yet no mention of epilepsy.

Perhaps the closest I have noticed has been the Axelrods, Susan and David, David being President Obama's Senior Political Advisor. The Axelrods founded CURE; Citizens United for Research in Epilepsy, as a result of their daughter being diagnosed with epilepsy as an infant.

But even with the Axelrods, they are spokespeople, mainly. When will someone have the courage to stand up and bring more awareness to the general public about epilepsy. The lead singer of the Stone Temple Pilots, Scott Weiland, apparently has a history of them (this coming out after he had a seizure on an airplane about a year ago). Jeremy Shockey, TE for the New Orleans Saint (and formerly of the NY Giants) reportedly had a seizure this past May. John Travolta's son allegedly had a seizure that led to his demise, though whether or not that was related to Kawasaki Syndrome or Autism, no one really knows. (Thanks L. Ron Hubbard)

Suffice it to say, that no one has come forward on a larger scale to say "I have epilepsy; I have seizures; I have been dealing with this all my life." Really, is it possible that out of the millions of people who are coping with this condition, that none of them are famous actors, athletes, musicians, politicians, or other celebrities who feel that they should step up and raise awareness?

Regardless of whether or not such a person thinks they would be received, I can guarantee that there are millions who would be behind them 150%. I would be one of them.

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