Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Drug Interactions

So this morning I am looking up interactions for my Trileptal and Vimpat - I'm on the maximum dosage for Trileptal and about 75% of Vimpat. I've been trying to figure out why my side-effects happen only in the morning - interaction with caffeine from my coffee? Medication still left in my system from my taking it the night before? (I usually take my night meds around 10pm and my morning around 7:30 - do I need to be taking exactly 12 hours apart?)
It's frustrating to deal with side-effects.
But if the drugs prevent the seizures and seizelets (little seizures), is it worth it?
Topamax messed with my memory something fierce, so that one had to go - but is 20-30 minutes of dizzy spells, blurred vision, wacked-out equilibrium, and the occassional inability to come up with the word I want (granted, that could be age, but I feel like I didn't have that problem this often before my medication increases and poly-therapy) worth it?
I'll figure it out, I guess.

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