Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Three's a crowd

As I have mentioned in prior posts, my doctor has mentioned to me his concerns about alcohol:
- the likelihood it is that it plays a significant factor in the occurrence of seizures I may have.
- the interaction it has with my (former and) existing medications.
- the reality of how much I can/do/should drink.

Figuratively, I have my father's and grandfather's liver. I can pound them back. Beer after beer, shot after shot, wine, mixed drinks, gin, vodka, rum, tequila... you name it. My exploits are legen (wait for it) dary. A dozen+ Guinness in one night. Half a bottle+ of gin - straight. Countless nights of hours upon hours of drinking, mixing all sorts of libations together.

I am no longer saying any of this with a college mentality of "look at me." I look at this now with a more mature outlook on life and say "why?" These feats are nothing to boast of, be proud of, and certainly not something to aspire to. Moreover, they are definitely not feats to be replicated.

I know I may sound like a broken record sometimes these days when I do go out and drink and wake up the next day with a hangover, generally caused by a combination of not enough water and not enough sleep (note to self - this was one of the reasons you stopped playing pool on Monday nights - avoid weeknight drinking!!!). But I feel as though when I find out (didn't I know this and "conveniently" ignore it?) from Mary's studious research that Primidone (my current medication) enhances the effects of alcohol, that maybe I owe it to myself, Mary, and our life together to do what is best for me physically.

Does this mean I never drink again? No. Even my doctor doesn't feel that is realistic. I should be able to enjoy a glass of wine or two with dinner. The occasional scotch. A beer or two while at the ballpark. But what it does mean is that going out for drinks with the guys can no longer mean a long evening, at least one in which I am drinking in perpetuity. I need to resign myself to the fact that from here on out, I need to be much more responsible than I have been with respect to alcohol.

The best way to do this is going to be to not drink more than a finite number for a while. Arbitrary amounts like a few, a couple, or some will not cut it any more. Perhaps I will look at it from the perspective of the old childhood ditty - "two's enough, three's a crowd, four's too many, five's not allowed!"

I'll keep it at no more than two drinks for a while and see how I feel. Maybe there will be a special occasion where I will treat myself to three, but in general, I think not.

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