Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Won't you take me to - Funky (dream) town?

Not sure if it is related to the barbiturates or just a totally unrelated phenomena, but my dreams of late have been very vivid, very memorable, very weird. Last night I actually had two dreams within dreams. I dreamt something, then my dream self woke up saying "it was all a dream." Then wild and crazy things started happening to THAT dream self before another dream self woke up saying it was all a dream. Then after further weirdness occurred, I (reality me - the person writing this blog entry as someone speaks) woke up. Freaky.
Don't know what to make of it, but as I say, the dreams have been plentiful and very intricate. Of course, I guess the reality is that you generally do (or should) get the same amount of REM sleep each night. It's simply a matter of whether you remember it in the morning, which I now (more often) am.
Another thing to discuss with Dr. Lee today. Hell, I guess for a $40 co-pay, I can bother him with seemingly inane observations. For all I know they might tell him about some side-effect I am experiencing, good or bad.
We'll see!

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